Our New House
I wanted to create this blog so that our friends and family could keep up with the progress of the house without me having to bog your computers down with all my pictures. Feel free to visit any time. Thank you all for your prayers and help during all of this.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
This Is Where It All Began
June 17, 2007-Found land and called about it. They had another couple wanting it and was supposed to pay for it that week.
June 29, 2007-Annointed and prayed over land. Asked God to open door if it was His will for us to have it.
July 2, 2007-People called, said the other couple never came up with the money and it was ours if we wanted it.
July 10, 2007-It was official. God opened a door for us to purchase the land and the deed became ours this day.
July 21, 2007-Met with builder and excavation person and looked at area to put the house.
June 29, 2007-Annointed and prayed over land. Asked God to open door if it was His will for us to have it.
July 2, 2007-People called, said the other couple never came up with the money and it was ours if we wanted it.
July 10, 2007-It was official. God opened a door for us to purchase the land and the deed became ours this day.
July 21, 2007-Met with builder and excavation person and looked at area to put the house.
September 12, 2007-Did dozer work and cleaned up area for house.
Sept 13, 2007-put driveway in