This is our newest turtle. (Thought you would appreciate this one Lana) He is so cute. We've had turtles for a few years now. If we see one on the road we will get out and move it, but if it's injured I usually end of bringing it home. This one hatched at our house. We didn't even know any of ours had laid eggs. Braedon spent the night with Colton last week and they went out to look at the turtles. They called me so excited. They found this one upside down in the water bowl. They got it out and he seemed fine. We then had to do a little research to find out which ones were boys and which were girls. This is not an easy task with turtles mind you. Really, all you can go by is their eye color and if the bottom of their shell has an indention. We think "Harry" is really "Harriet". Colton is disappointed. We've had him the longest. He actually stayed through the winter and hybernated in our pen we built for them. We only keep the ones that are about the size or your hand or smaller. The bigger ones kind of get mean. Apparently they are old enough to lay eggs because now we have this little bugger. We've built them a "resort" (as Kenny calls it) at the new house. I'll try to remember to take a picture of it and post it later. We even made them a little "cement pond" out of some morter we had left over. It's really cool.
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