We Have A House!!!!
We are so excited!!!!! I came around the curve and saw it Friday afternoon and was just overwhelmed with joy. The contractor put the rails on the porch and it looks like a whole different house. I LOVE IT!!!!!! It looks much better in person. You will have to come see it.
Our plumber and security system guy is supposed to start tommorow. The excavation guy is going to come at the end of the week and push the dirt up against the house so we can get the gutters on. He finished the septic system and got it inspected Thursday. The electricians are finished with the rough in. We should get our garage door pretty soon. I'll be glad to see it. Right now we just have sheets of OSB screwed to the wall.
God has really blessed us with this build. Everything has been so timely, the contractor has done an awesome job, his work is remarkable and quick, and the weather has been great (a little hot at times). Please pray we sell our other house. We should be in this house by the end of July if everything stays on schedule like it has been. We had someone interested in seeing our old house this weekend and then never came so I'm not sure what happened there. I know God is in control with that house just like He has been with the new one. I believe we are going to be able to move right out of one and in to the other because he's a Just In Time God and is more than able. Please pray we continue to have peace about it and that everything will go really smoothly with the transition. We love you guys and thank you so much for all your encouragements, the comments you leave, for coming to see the house, and mostly for all your prayers. You are wonderful friends and we are truly blessed. (Thanks for putting up with all my "House Talk" as well (espcecially you AJ). It can overtake you if you aren't careful.)
It looks great!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know if there is anything I could do to help.
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